To give people an idea of what the original game was like (Remake here)
DeadTale Online Logo 1
Game events
DeadTale Online Logo 2
Player memorial by: Resha
Emote set 1
Emote Set 2
Loading screens
Shows the creation of a clan, a team you can join and gain points for to compete with other teams as the best team
Nog forward facing sprite
Example of the battle system; VS Frog Flower minigame
Planning out the early version of DeadMix
Example of a town building area where you could hangout with your friends
Another example of a personal town
More homes
Group hangout, also shows the whisper mechanic, where you could send private messages to other players
Showing off more player profiles
Lower area of the plaza with a Right/Wrong minigame
VS Mini Sans mingame victory
Group hangout and shows the ability to transform into a box
Example of the battle system; VS Sans mingame
Group photo
VS Frog Flower fight
Main plaza, with NPC Temmie, a bot you could teach various phrases
The game had a few hidden commands
More homes
More whisper stuff
Saying goodbye to a well-known YouTuber in the game
Becoming a ghost after losing in Escape Underground
Waiting room for the hide-and-seek minigame, Escape Underground
VS Mini Sans mingame victory
Another example of a personal town
Asriel party
Example of a player profile where you could have any image and phrase you wanted
Waiting room for Team Bomb, a Bomberman style minigame
Upper part of the main plaza
Profanity filter in the Tem Shop