
Kokoro Tacarmi |
Age: 14 |
Gender: Non-binary (They/Them) |
Species: Human |
Aliases: None |
Birthday: 01/24 |
- Kokoro keeps a dream journal
- Works as a save system
- Only have a limited amount of slots because it needs “special paper”; new saves have to overwrite old ones if there’s no space
- Can buy more, but sometimes it’s unusable or sold out
- “It’s… sopping… You can’t use these…” -Wetlands
- No paper sold in fire area
- “Why don’t you use normal paper? What do you mean ‘It has to be a certain kind’???” -Torben
- Can save wherever Kokoro can sit
- Kokoro learns things from the dreams, puts them in the journal and it helps them gain access to more of the world
- Maybe they gain new abilities from enough dreams or certain ones
- Sidestep ability, learned from the dojo
Changes from DeadMix to Luscidomi:

- Their tribal clothes have been switched out for a casual t-shirt, pants, and striped vest
- Whether they can use magic or not in this iteration is still up for debate
- 1 year older
Younger Kokoro is based on the old design