Kokoro is walking down a dark hallway (Sometime around visiting L’oughta Wada)

A web falls from above, Kokoro stumbles backwards to avoid it

Knocked out from behind

Wakes up in a cell, tied up and hanging from the ceiling

Arachnogoon: Ah, you're awake. You just sit tight, I'll be back in 10 minutes.

Waiting 10 minutes causes Kokoro’s death

Kokoro tries to move their arms to break free, with no success

They shake back and forth until the web holding them up snaps

Still unable to move their arms, Kokoro has to walk around with webs around them

The door looks rusted, so they slam against it to open it

Kokoro has to sneak around the Arachno Base without the ability to fight or use their items

Getting caught sends them back to their “fixed” cell and a guard is standing in front of it, also the 10 minute timer resets

Wait for the guard to sleep and slip out the still very broken door

If 10 minutes pass while Kokoro is sneaking around, an announcement will be made that they've escaped and the patrolling Arachnogoons get faster