Part ???, Act 1: Gloomy Superplaza

This one's a short one. The dream starts with Kokoro standing outside of a huge store that looked like a cross between a Walmart and Target. The sky was dark and cloudy like it might rain, but it never came, so it just stayed like that. There were a bunch more stores around the area but the big store is the only one they entered, just stepped in for a minute to look around and then left to go to the parking lot and get picked up by a bus. Also, the inside of the store had lighting like Publix, so there's that too.

Part ???, Act 2: Ride to Nowhere

This one is just riding a bunch of buses to places that are empty besides a few stores waiting for other buses.

Part ???, Act 3: Tumbling Bus

It was bright and sunny on top of a hill overlooking a beach. The bus pulled up as Kokoro and a few other people boarded and took our seats. After driving forward a bit and stopping suddenly on the downward slope of the hill, it started to tip forward. They held on for dear life as people started yelling and screaming. It tumbled a few times before landing on its top and everyone got out, dazed but not really hurt. And that's when they woke up.

Part ???, Act 4: Shifting Dreams

This one starts off well, Marisol or Drazalor, it’s not made clear who, got a new job and their new boss happens to live down the road from the Tacarmis. So, they go to visit and the boss man asks Kokoro if they'd like to take his dog for a walk to some dogsitting place. Obviously, since they love dogs, Kokoro agrees and since this is a dream, the dog doesn't need a leash and they just stay by them the whole time. It doesn't really matter, but for anyone curious, it was a big fluffy dog with black-ish brown fur. Anyway, while they're walking, the area around them suddenly changes to the gloomy superplaza from the first dream, it looks almost identical. An employee steps out of the big store and recognizes the dog since that's where the dog sitting place was. So, Kokoro left them there and went back to the boss' house. Now, when they got back, the boss thanked them and then the boss' sons came out saying they'd like to get ice cream. So they agreed to take them to get it. This part doesn't really have to do with anything but it was kind of funny: So, the kids looked about 8 and 14, they had similar hair and clothes, but different heights. Kokoro got the idea to try to heft them over their shoulders and just walk to the ice cream place like that, so they did. The boss and his kids found it funny, so they just continued on like that for a while. Finally, after they'd been walking for a while, the world changed again. This time, the sidewalks were bare and the road empty. There was a shop across the street, but Kokoro didn't have the time or focus to read the sign. It looked like it was across the street from one of the bus stops in the "Ride to Nowhere" dream. That's when they noticed the kids were gone and a blue car was driving up the road where they was crossing the street. It looked like the Arachnogoons' car when they was kidnapped, so they ran across before the car got to the turn section. Suddenly the car stopped at the light, and the driver made a U-turn, driving right over the sidewalk, right towards them. Kokoro managed to run far enough to jump out of the way for them to hit a lone tree near the shop they saw earlier. They ran inside and explained to the people behind the counter that they needed them to call the cops and how that people in the car had kidnapped them recently. They let Kokoro hide in the back and waited it out as they talked to the police over the phone. After a while, it all changed again and the shop became a house and after exploring around, they saw the theives' car was crashed into another car outside. The next thing they knew, the Arachnogoons were at the shop counter with a handgun and the dream ended.

Part ???, Act 5: Not My Friend

It was raining and I was walking home from a bus stop when I saw my friend walking across the road from me. So out of curiosity, I ran across the street to follow him. He ended up going towards my home, but before I could catch up, he disappeared around a corner. When I turned it, his clothes were on the ground and I saw something walk into the lake by the stairs to him front door, which turned out to be some sort of shapeshifting monster that had just disguised itself as my friend. Then I climbed up the stairs and when I looked behind me, it was there, all melty and deformed with black scribbly eyes. The dream ended when I jumped over the railing to escape it.