Gallery & Misc.
Version 1:

Image is a recreation of Version 1 as it only consisted of character descriptions and didn't last long before Version 2 replaced it
Roles: (Left to right)
- Azzy- Frisk
- First person to get a character
- Was a male character at this time
- Lucky- Chara
- Pig- Flowey/Asriel
- Rather than a plant of some kind, he's an amalgamate with a SOUL pattern on his stomach as a reference to the Chara & Asriel's plan every AU has
- Sassy- Toriel (Didn't have an official name yet)
- Gaz- Sans
- Gaz didn't have design ever until this recreation where it was decided to make him a demon like his sister, Lily
- Lily- Alphys
- Lily's design is based on Levrisk's girlfriend and an anime girl picture he provided (low quality)
- Neo- Red
- The original versions (V1,V2; low quality) were a lot more kid-like and wasn't based on any sort of monster yet
- hBun- Temmie
- Shy- Napstablook (Not pictured)
- Literally only went as far as the name suggests, a shy ghost, later reworked into Monika for Luscidomi
- Levrisk- Undyne (Not pictured)
- Futurez- Asgore (Not pictured; Didn't have an official name yet)
- He had no design and was based on a friend of the guy who made Sassy
- Later brought back as a character in Luscidomi
Version 2:

Pictures the characters in their last official designs they had for this version of the AU