A splash sound is heard as a human girl, named Azzy, falls from above, into a puddle. She wore a purple sweater with 2 large pink stripes in the middle. Her brown pants became drenched as she laid in the puddle, with the sunlight from above shining on her body. After an unknown amount of time, she wakes up, sore and bruised, but alive. Azzy stands up, with her clothes dripping wet. As she focuses herself and walks forward, a shadowy humanoid silhouette with rabbit ears can be seen above, faintly humming. As they walk, a paper slips out from the stack of papers they are carrying, landing past an ominous looking vine in front of Azzy, getting soaked in the water, becoming mostly unintelligible.

Azzy attempts to read this paper: You try to make out what the paper says. The words “harness the living element” are the only things you can read.

As she walks away from the paper, the ominous vine moves and seemingly multiplies, they quickly turn into a wall of vines that block her path. A flower emerges behind Azzy, with a face similar to one of the residents of the underground, but quickly changes it.

???: "...Crap, whoops, you weren't supposed to see that just yet. One second..."

He covers his face with his vines then pulls them back again to reveal his real face, which looks like a puppy.

???: "Why, hello there. My, my, all my time down here, and I have yet to ever see you around! It hasn’t been very long, but you certainly stick out."

Azzy notices one of the flower's petals is torn and asks about it.

???: "Oh, my petal? Long story, but ends up with something trying to eat me... Again. But there is nothing much to worry about down here, only cyclops, beasts, and unicorns. . . . Ok, there are no unicorns, but they still creep me out."

* You ask what tried to eat him

???: "This giant, winged beast tried to eat me! It had shiny gray horns and drool dripping from its sharp fangs. It could have torn you in HALF, but luckily I got away only losing a small bit of my petal."

He slides a vine under Azzy and wraps it around her arm.

???: “Since you're new around here, I hope you don't mind letting me teach ya some new tricks"

* He winks.

* You wink back uneasily.

???: "Oh, aren't you flattering!"

He notices that Azzy is weakened and spawns a mini green sun

???: “You see that delicious purple heart there? That's your soul, you can move it around to collect these suns. Things like these will heal you in fights, which you'll get into many of down here.”

The sun falls straight down

???: “Don't be shy now, grab it.”

Azzy shyly avoids it

???: “Wha- Why didn't you grab it?”

He spawns 3 more suns

???: “Just move into them, nothing bad will happen.”

The suns move quicker than before and Azzy touches one. HP increases from 10/20 to 16/20 ???: “See, nothing bad happened … This is taking longer than I thought.”

He looks away, smiling deviously as Azzy's soul turns a sickly green. She can't move.

???: “Aww, what's the matter? You feel a bit ill now? Well, that took long enough.”

He chuckles, his bitten petal miraculously returns to normal as he watches her HP slowly drain

14/20 HP . . .* You feel worse by the second. . . 12/20 HP . . .* You call out for someone. . . 10/20 HP . . .* You feel hopel-

???: "Hey! What's going on down there?"

Suddenly a tail comes out of nowhere and whips the flower, stunning him. Then Louis reveals himself.

Louis: "Are you ok? I sensed something was wrong, so I came to check."

* It seems to be a human/monster hybrid???

Louis: “Oh no, you're hurt aren't you? Let me take you back to my home and heal you up.”

The battle ends as they put Azzy on their back

L: “Hold on tight!”

Their wings extend to double their size and they fly upwards. During this scene, you can see a cracked castle in the distance, pieces of it come off as they fly. They land in a garden-looking area.

L: “Phew, you're heavy, let me catch my breath. Well, we aren't at home, but we're close enough. Oh, I almost forgot to introduce myself. I'm Louis, and this is my garden of sorts. The last owner kept it in pretty good shape, it would be disappointing to let this maze go to waste! It's pretty big considering how small the house is, but I don't mind. Anyway-”

HP is down to 1/20 Louis: “Oops, you're still in pain. One sec...”

He takes out a bottle with red liquid in it Louis: “Here, drink this now.”

Azzy drinks the bottle, increasing her HP to 11/20, but it starts to drain again

Louis: “Hmm… Wait here, I'll go to my home and get some fruits to make a different potion along the way.” He goes to a tree, grabs some fruits, and walks off. A few fall down behind him on the path. Picking these up gives Azzy some extra HP as she walks.

*Looks like there's not much else to do but follow the- Wait, where are they?

Azzy stares at the maze before her, knowing that this is her only hope for survival, taking a deep breath, she walks inside the entrance of the massive maze