Dagger, created by: Sparkly94CanFly; Sprite by: Lucky
Dagger |
Role: Gaster |
Age: ??? |
Gender: Male |
Species: Skeleton/Dragon |
Aliases: None |
Birthday: ??? |
Dragon skeleton, white robe
- Dagger was the King's bodyguard. They grew close and became friends as they hung out with each other more. They traveled everywhere together until they had a disagreement on how to handle the war with the humans. During the battles, Dagger would buff the King's attacks, making the King have the power to topple human cities
- The King, feeling his power was too much, rejected Dagger's help in combat, which cost him the fight and subsequently the war.
- Shortly after the war ended and the monsters lost, they were locked underground
- As the residents of the Underground needed leadership and the King provided that, Dagger proved to be skilled in sciences and was later announced as the first Royal Scientist
- Founded the Royal Science Committee and Royal Guard, with his younger brothers being the first few members
- Becomes Torben's mentor when he's old enough
- He and Torben study Kokoro after they fall
- After Kokoro and Torben die, he blames himself
- Took the life of the first collected human SOUL after they attacked the king
- As Dagger got deeper into his work, he tried some experiments, to create living monsters. Most turned out to be big failures...but one in particular was successful
- As time went on, his Creation steered him away from creating more of the monsters. Rather, he bonded with his creation and later it gave itself a name. He never told it its name was wrong.
- The King later told the Scientist that he had an idea to supply energy to the entire underground
- After doing many tests and logs, Dagger seals away his experiment to work on the bigger project
- Using the few SOULs the King collected previously, he created of a machine that could harness their power.
- While creating this machine, his SOUL got trapped into it and could not handle the power of the machine
- He and his team was erased from existence, leaving behind scattered records of his work