Draconian Guard Unit:
- All dragons (In left-right order)
- Zane- 3rd oldest
- Keith- Oldest
- Grim- 2nd oldest
- Aaron- Youngest
- Younger brothers of Dagger
- Have no idea they have a nephew

Draconian Guard Unit, created by: offbrandbiscuit
Tcarmyhouse Guards:

Guard 1, created by: Pigfguu

Guard 2, created by: Pigfguu
- Siegewulf
- Looks like a wolf version of a Riften Guard from Skyrim

Seigewulf, created by BIaze#1893; Art by: ThatOneKnightGuy
Tacarmi Village Guards:

Drake, created by: Clash
- Ciaran
- Weapons:
- Magic:
- He fights fiercely and commits himself in his mission, but he can be reckless
- Retires home after being spared, offers to heal Azzy, gives advice

Ciaran, created by: notableboyscouts
- Tcarmyhouse
- Guard Fight theme
- Geno theme for Guard Tower
- Fighting in the Name of the Crown